Matsyasana Asana, How to do it, Benefits of Matsyasana | fitROSKY


Matsyasana in also known for fish pose. It is reclining back bending asanas. This Asana comes from the Sanskrit word 'Matsya' which means 'Fish' and 'Asana' which mean 'Posture'.
It is said that if you perform this pose in water, allows the body to float quiet is the like that of a fish.

How to do Matsyasana

First lie on your back on the mat keep your foot together and place your hand underneath the hips. Palm facing down. Now bring the elbows closer toward each other. Slowly breath in and lift the head and chest up, keeping the chest elevated, lower your head to the backward and touch crown of the head to the floor. Now put the weight on elbows not on the head, lift your chest up from in between the shoulder blades, press the thighs and legs to the floor and now hold this position as much as you can.

Benefits of Matsyasana -

1. It stretches the chest, abdomen, hip, neck and back.
2. It boost the Digestive system
3. It improve the function of Pelvic region
4. This asana is also good for asthma and bronchitis patient
5. It gives your stress free life
6. It improve blood circulation to the whole body
7. Calms the mind

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