What is Isotonic exercise and its benefits | fitROSKY

Isotonic exercise are those exercise in which a muscle or muscle group maintains equal or same tone throughout the exercise. isotonic exercise are totally differ from Compound exercise and Isometric exercise so, don't be confuse in between these three exercise.

In isotonic exercise muscle maintain the same or equal tension during the exercise. in this exercise muscle's length change but in isometric, muscle's doesn't length changes.

so here we present benefits and type of isotonic exercise-

Benefits of isotonic exercise-

  1. It can be perform with or without equipment
  2. It gives strength to muscles
  3. It helps in muscle gain
  4. It provide flexibility
  5. Improve bone density
  6. Improve stamina
  7. Good for cardiovascular health
  8. Increase blood flow
  9. It enhance the performance.

Some examples of Isotonic exercise-

1. Push-up

Targeted muscles- Biceps, Triceps, Trapezius, Deltoid, Chest. 



2. Pull-ups

Targeted muscles- Biceps, Triceps, Trapezius, Deltoid, Chest, Shoulder



3. Crunches

Targeted muscles- Abdominal muscles


4. Triceps curl or Biceps curl

Targeted muscles- Biceps, Triceps. 



5. Squat

Targeted muscles- Gluteus , Quadriceps, Hamstring, Adductor, Hip flexors, Calves



6. Russian Twist

Targeted muscles-Abdominal muscles.



7. Superman

Targeted muscles- Gluteus, Hamstring, Back muscles



8. Burpee

Targeted muscles- Legs muscles, hips, Abdomen, Arms, Chest, Shoulder.




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