In this article we will talk about "Tadasana yoga, how to do and benefits". Tadasana is from the Sanskrit words tāḍa, "mountain" āsana meaning "posture".
Tadasana also known as mountain pose or Samasthiti
It resembles like a mountain shape. It simple to perform.
How to do
a. Stand comfortably
b. Stand straight with relax shoulder and keep both feet together.
c. When you begin to Inhale along with it lift your heel up and stand on
your toes and start raising both of your hand in upward direction.
d. Stretch your whole body to upward.
e. Hold your body for some of secs.
f. than back to your normal position with exhalation.
Benefits of Tadasana
1. It helps in height.
2. It strengthen Heel, Knee , ankle and thigh
3. Improve posture
4. It gives strength to Spine
5. Improve balance
6. Strengthen Arms
7. It calms the mind
8. Boost energy level
9. Helps in weight loss.