In this artice we will talk about Viparita Karani, How to do and benefits. The name comes from the Sanskrit wordsviparīta, "inverted"andkaraṇī, "a particular type of practice"
Viparita Karani also know as Legs up the wall pose
- Improve blood circulation to the brainÂ
- helps relieve stress
How to do
Just lay down and place a horizontal block under your hip and put all the weight on the block and lift your feet towards the sky.
Benefits of Viparita Karani
1. Improve blood circulation
2. Helps in hair growth
3. Relieve lower back pain
4. Boost energy
5. Helps in menstrual cramp
6. Improve digestion
7. Calm the mind
8. It relieve stress, anxiety.
9. It helps in weight loss.