5 healthy habit for weight gain

healthy habit, weight gain, healthy weight gain


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In this article we will talk about "healthy habits which helps in weight gain" Not only being fat can lead to health problem but also being underweight can lead to health problem.

We all know that it is very tough to gain weight same as weight loss. by making some changes in your lifestyle and your habit can make a big difference and will helps you in healthy weight gain.

Here are 5 healthy habit for weight gain

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1. Eat more frequently

Eat at least three to four meals a day,which can make it easier to you to increase calorie intake. Snacking between meals can also help to increase the calorie diet.

2. Eat in calorie surplus

One of the most important point which requires in weight gain that is calorie surplus, which mean you have to eat more calories than your regular calories which is maintenance calories.

3. Exercise

If you just eat and sleep then it all will go in vain, surely you can gain your weight but it doesn't worth to your body. Along with eating you also go for workout because workout gives you muscle gain, strength and flexibility.


4. Always track your calories

Often most of people doesn't track their calories consumption. In starting people used to track their calories but over the time they forget to track their calories intake which led to undesired results. So always track your calories. 


5. Drinking smoothies- 

People having low hunger may go with high-calorie shake or smoothie than a heavy meal. it may provide you nutrient-dense calories without making a person feel fullness.

 Also read- What to eat after getting Covid19 Vaccine


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