5 Interesting myth and facts about protein

5 Interesting myth and facts about protein

 Also read- Best Protein Supplement  Under 1500 rupees


In this article we will talk about "5 Interesting myth and facts about protein".

There are too many myths or bro science about protein like protein is a steroid, only protein is enough for muscle building, and so on. so here in this article we tell you interesting myth and facts about protein, hope you like it.


Myth and Facts of protein


Myth1: Vegan can't get enough protein

Fact: If you eat balanced diet than there are highly chance of getting enough protein easily. 


Myth 2: Meat, Egg and dairy are the only rich source of protein

Fact: It is not true, almost every food in world contain protein quantity may differ. for enough protein you can eat Beans, soy chunk, nuts, seed and many more.


Myth 3: It is better to eat more protein 

Facts: Eating super high meal doesn't mean your body gonna use all of them.


Myth 4 : Protein is enough to weight lose

Fact: Protein take time to digest than carbs but if you consume high protein, that could equal excess calories, which may be responsible to weight gain. 


Myth 5: Animal protein is better than plant protein

Fact: If you are getting all the 9 essential amino acid than it shouldn't matter from where are your getting these amino acid.

Also read-  5 Interesting myth and facts about creatine

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