Yoga for Diabetes


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In this article we will talk about "Yoga for Diabetes"

Diabetes is a disease, which occurs when blood glucose level goes too high. glucose is the source of energy which comes from food that we consume and it is used as a energy. and this whole process is done with the help of Insulin hormone which formed in Pancreas, but in some conditions our body fails to produce enough insulin then glucose stays in blood and doesn't reach your cells and cause diabetes. 

There are two common types of diabetes- Type1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. 

According to WHO the prevalence of Diabetes for all age groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and 4.4% in 2030. the total no of people who are suffering with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030.

According to researches many yoga practices have been found to be beneficial in the management of type 2 diabetes; however, their judicious use is recommended after a careful assessment of a patient's overall health, individual requirements, associated risk factors, and contraindications.

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Best Yoga for Diabetes

1. Bhujangasana

Helps better digestion and muscle strength

Helps Diabetes

How to do

Just lay down on your back on the yoga mat and place your both of palms on the floor under your shoulder and slowly start bending your elbow straight back and try to touch your elbow to your side and don't let elbow open. Now gradually breath in and start lift your chest up only upper body part should lift off the ground. hold the position for a while and repeat.

2. Matsyasana

Aids in Diabetes

How to do

lie down on your back on the yoga mat with keep your foot together and place your both of hands underneath the hips. Palm should facing down. Now bring the elbows closer toward each other. gradually inhale and lift chest and head up, lower your head to the backward and try to touch crown of the head to the floor and now put the body weight on your elbows, press the legs and thighs towards the floor. hold the position for a while.

3. Anulom vilom

It reduce the stress and lower the blood sugar level.

How to do

Sit straight and place your thumb on left and right nostrils alternate to block left or right nostril. only close one nostril at a time and breath in from the unblock nostril, try to breath slowly as long as your lungs filled with air and release your thumb and use the ring finger to close your other nostril, now slowly exhale through your unblock nostril. 

Beginners can repeat this process for 5-10 times and then you can increase it up to more than 10 round as your capacity.

4. Pawanmuktasana

It is also known for wind relieving pose.

It calm the mind and relieve diabetes.

How to do

Lie down on your back straight, do breath in and out gradually and start raising your both of legs to the 90 degree angle from the floor and now slowly band legs from the knees and place against the abdomen. Now embrace your knees with both arms, hands should be clasping opposite elbow. Bend your neck and place chin on the knee or if your beginner than try to touch your knees by your chin. Now hold position for a while.

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