Yoga to improve endurance

Yoga to improve endurance

Also read- Yoga for Happy Life


In this article we will tell you about "Yoga to improve endurance".

Endurance is the ability of individual to remain active for prolong time. endurance is very important for many reasons like, it increase your ability to do physical activities without getting tired, it reduces the risk of injury, always keep you fit and confident, help you to keep a healthy body weight.

there are some cause behind your low endurance like, stress, tiredness, insomnia, depression, medication, consumption of alcohol, disturbed life style. 

yoga can improve your endurance because it can increase stamina on different levels - Mental, physical and physiological. 


 Also read- Yoga to improve Physical strength 


So, here we present some of the best yoga to improve endurance


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1. Adho Mukh Savanasana

- Improve Blood circulation

- Quick relaxation of body

- Improve digestion

How to do

Come in the plank position and exhale. pull your stomach in and lift your hip up and now slowly bring your feet closer to your hand, make some distance between your hand
and leg. now slowly take your head deep down along with shoulder. now hold the position for 15 sec.

Yoga to improve endurance

2. Extended triangle pose

- This Asana resembles to the triangle shape. It gives you flexibility and strengthening to the spine and other body parts also.

- Improve physical strength


a. Stand straight and keep the distance between your legs of 3-4ft.
b. Now turn your feet to 90° and the second one to 15
c. Make the perfect balance.
d. now inhale and gradually exhale and at the same time start bending with the straight waist towards the ground and raise your right hand to upward direction and left hand to downward direction.
e. Now try to stretch the body as much you can do and keep your hand in  straight position.
f. As you inhale come up to the normal standing position.
g. Now repeat the same.


Extended triangle pose

3. Legs up the wall pose

- Improve blood circulation to the brain

- helps relieve stress


Just lay down and place a horizontal block under your hip and put all the weight on the block and lift your feet towards the sky.

Legs up the wall pose


4. Tree pose

This resembles to the Tree, in this Asana individual has to stand like a tree.


a. Stand straight comfortably

b. Then lift your left leg and bend from knee and place the foot high up on your right thigh.

c. Start inhale and raise your hand over the head and make a position of Namste by bringing your both the palm together.

d. Stand straight and make a balance

e. And exhale gradually and come to the normal position.

f. Repeat this pose on next leg.


Tree pose


5. Head to Knee pose

- Easy for beginners

- Improve flexibility of lower back, Thighs, Side waist


First sit on the floor comfortably, extend your left foot and press your right foot inside the left thigh. now breath in and raise your arms overhead. now breath out and start bending your lower back toward extended leg. now touch the toe or hold the stretched leg. Hold this position for 30 sec now repeat with the opposite leg.

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