Hidden benefits of eating fiber rich foods

Hidden benefits of eating fiber rich foods

What will happen to you if you stop eating fiber


Today in this article you will get to know "Hidden benefits of eating fiber rich foods".

Fiber is a type of carbohydrates which body cannot digest, but it has lots of health benefits. 

Fiber has two varieties 

1. Insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water, helps prevent constipation.

Source of insoluble fiber- wheat, black rice, legumes, carrots, cucumbers, whole grain, wheat bread etc.

2. Soluble fiber

Soluble fiber are those fiber which dissolves in water and help lower blood glucose level and lower cholesterol level. 

Source of soluble fiber- Oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, apple, blueberries, etc.

Recommended daily intake of fiber 

  • According to American Heart Association the daily intake of fiber should be 25 gram per day.
  • Women under 50 - 21 to 25 gram per day
  • Men under 50 - 30 to 38 gram per day
  • Children 1 yr to 8 - 14 to 31 gram per day

Benefits of eating fiber rich foods 

1. Helps lower cholesterol 

According to some researches fiber helps to lower the risk of CVDs, lowering blood pressure and also reducing inflammation. Soluble fibers acts like a sponge and absorb the cholesterol in the small intestine and passes through the digestive tract as waste.  

2. Helps prevents constipation

 Fiber helps to keep healthy colon which helps regular, soft bowel movement and prevents constipation.

3. Fiber normalize the bowel movements

 Fiber helps to absorb the water from stool and adds bulk to stool which is easier to pass. 

4. Helps weight loss

Fiber helps manage your weight because it takes time in digestion and gives feeling of fullness which prevents food craving and maintain healthy weight and also control blood sugar level. 


5. Helps control blood blood sugar level

Fiber helps slow down the digestion process and keeps your sugar level in control and aids feel fuller for longer. 



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