Side effects of keto diet and what food to avoid : Ketogenic Diet

Side effects of keto diet and what food to avoid : Ketogenic Diet

This article we will talk about "Side effects and food to avoid be avoid: ketogenic diet".

Ketogenic diet is one of the most searched diet and most controversial diet ever. it contains very low amount of carbs and contains high amount of healthy fat.

When you start eating more fat than carbs then body starts burning more fat for energy which result as weight loss. it has lots of benefits along with some side effects let's see

1. Keto flu

Keto flu happen when you start adapting ketogenetic diet, ketu flu is the result of body adapting low carb diet. keto flu will overcome when your body starts burning fat instead of glucose (condition known as Ketosis).

Symptoms of Keto flu

  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


2. You may reduce muscle mass

Small studies have been found that the people who are followed a ketogenic diet lose muscle mass even they do training.

Loss of muscle mass happen because protein alone is less effective than carbs and protein together. 


3. Increase the chance of getting kidney stones

Kidney stones is one of the commonest side effects of ketogenic diet. high intake of protein makes urine more acidic and enhance the calcium and uric acid level which may results in kidney stones.

A study has shown that 13 out of 195 subjects (subjects are the children who are followed keto diet as a treatment of epilepsy). 

4. Constipation and Diarrhea

Constipation is the commonest side effect of ketogenic diet in the starting it may be caused by not eating fiber enough and some of the people are also feel diarrhea but it is not more common as constipation. 

5. Leg cramps

When you are in ketosis your body doesn't get enough enough mineral which are required for muscle functions like calcium, potassium, sodium , etc which can cause leg cramps. 

6. Dehydration 

When you are in ketosis your body build excess of ketones which can be harmful and these ketone passed through urine which may lead to dehydration.

Which food to avoid 

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