how does testosterone help in bodybuilding | testosterone role in bodybuilding

how does testosterone help in bodybuilding, testosterone role in bodybuilding


Testosterone is the primary sex hormone which plays an important role in development of testes, prostrate gland, muscle mass, bone and growth of hair. 

Testosterone is also known as male hormone but women's ovaries does also produce testosterone in a very small quantity. 

Production of testosterone begins during puberty and begins to stop after the age of 30 or so. 

Testosterone plays a vital role in sperm production, testosterone level may also affect the mood. 

Testosterone also plays an significant role in bodybuilding as well, which we gonna discuss in this article, so read this article till the last paragraph.

How does testosterone help in bodybuilding ?

Stronger bone

Testosterone plays a important role in bone density. bone density may decrease as testosterone level and men ages drop.  Strong bone boost the athletic performance and supports internal organ and muscles as well. 

Age-related testosterone deficiency is one of the foremost important factor of loss of bone density in elder people. 

According to a study, "One year of testosterone treatment significantly increased volumetric bone mineral density and estimated bone strength in men aged 65 years and older".

More muscle mass and less fat

Testosterone also responsible for increased muscle mass. 

A study "effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis" has been shown that, testosterone increases the muscle mass by increasing the muscle protein synthesis in all 9 subjects which they took for study. 

Another study "The effects of supraphysiologic does of testosterone on muscle size and strength in normal men" has been shown that, men in the no-exercise groups, those given testosterone had greater increases in bench press, squat and increases in fat free mass and muscle size area. 

Benefits of increasing testosterone levels

  • Increase sex drive
  • Improve brain function (verbal memory, spatial abilities)
  • Stronger bones
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Support healthy heart 

Also read

Foods that boost testosterone level

how to know testosterone level and When to consider for testosterone test

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