Serious health risk of sitting for long time


Serious health risk of sitting for long time

Now a days most of the employee who are working from office or home, they usually spend their most of the time by sitting on the chair. 

Sedentary life is very common now a days among employee and it can be dangerous to your body. 

As we all know sitting is very common, most of the folk spent their day by sitting while doing activity like, playing video games, studies, driving or watching television. 

Sitting for a long time can increase the chance of early death than if you move around during the day time. 

There are lots of healthy issue which can lead by sitting, like CVDs, Overweight, diabetes, back pain, posture changes, and may feel depression or anxiety. 

Your cardiovascular system work more effectively when your are move around not then when you are sitting for a long. 

Sedentary behaviors (sitting or laying down) limit your calorie burn which also responsible for your overweight gain. 

A study has done on general health of office workers, in which they included 447 office workers. the workers spent an average of 6.29 hours of sitting from an 8 hours of working shift. 73% of workers feel exhausted during their work day, 6.3% have hypertension, 11.2% hyperlipidemia and the neck, shoulder, and back pain are the common symptoms among the workers.  

Here are some health risk of sitting

1. Weight gain 

Sitting for long time will limit your calories burn, digestion is not effective, fat and sugar will start accumulate in the body which may cause obesity. 

If you are doing workout in a day but sitting for a long day will also cause weight gain to you, so it is better to limit your sitting time and engage yourself in physical exercise. 


2. Increase the risk of Cardiovascular disease

CVDs is linked to the sitting for long hours a day. a study has been found that the one who is spending 23 hours of television in a week than one who is only watch 11 hours a week are more likely to get CVDs. 


3. Depression and anxiety 

Sitting for a long day may also cause depression or anxiety to you. there is more research needed in this field.  

This may be because the one who spend lot of time in sitting are missing the positive vibes, fitness vibes and gradually surrounded by loneliness or negative thoughts. 


4. Your lower body become weak 

If you spend lots of time sitting then over the time your lower body will become weak. this lead to muscle atrophy which means weakening of lower body muscles. 

Weak lower muscle can lead to injury. 


5. Increase the risk of cancer

The exact reasons are not clear but some new studies has said that sitting for a long time may increase the risk of certain type of cancer, like lung cancer, uterine, etc. 


6. Increase the risk of diabetes

Prolong sitting linked with diabetes, one study has shown that just 5 days lying in bed could increase the insulin resistance in body, can cause diabetes. 

Also read

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