What should be the right age to hit the gym : Bodybuilding

What should be the right age to hit the gym , right age to hit the gym

In this article we'll gonna tell you that "What's the right age to hit the gym".

As we know doing workout 3-4 times a week is very essential to human body because it keeps you healthy, energetic, improve your mood, keeps you calm and so many more.

But according to the bro science the right age to hit the gym after 18 years old otherwise there would be a bad consequences to the body, it is incomplete truth.

It is good to see that most of the youngster or teenager are aware about their health and fitness but
it is good to hit the gym in early age, before 18?.

Now a days you may be seen that most of the boys age between 14-15 yrs are vigorously hitting the gym, which is not good for them because this is very crucial time of their development and any kind of stress or pressure may hamper the development (physical and mental development). so it is good to focus on nutrition instead of hitting the gym.

But yes you can engage yourself in light exercises to keep your self fit because it is enough to your body.

At the age of 17-18 your body becomes enough mature to bear intense exercise at gym, till then make some distance from supplements, it is better to depend on healthy and nutritious food for better result. using supplements in early age may cause some bad consequences to you.

Why below 17-18 age people should not hit the gym?

It is because of body changes and second one is that many workout or gym movements can cause injury to you and at this age teens have less concentration, stability, seriousness which can lead to injury or some serious accident.

People usually grow till the age of 18 so putting any type of stress (mental, physical, etc) may hamper
your body growth.

During puberty there are lots of changes happen in the body like hormonal changes, physiological
changes which can be disturbed by vigorous exercise and can affect important function of body.

According to trainers and fitness expert gym is not the place for those who are below 17-18 age

If you really want to increase stamina, flexibility, strength then there are lots of physical exercise
which you can do without going gym and which will also give you a better shape, swimming, running,
cycling, and etc.

When you are about to join the gym at the age of 17-18, be careful do proper training under supervision of well qualified and certified trainer. start with the basic and right technique.

So, it is good to join the gym at the age of 17-18 yrs because after 18 muscles and bones become enough strong to train in gym without getting any trouble. it helps strong, lean and muscular body.

Altough there is no legal age limit to go to gym, individual can join gym whenever he/she want.

And remember on thing it is never too late to join the gym you can also join the gym at the age of 40-50, benefits will be same as at the age of 20-30.

Benefits of doing workout?

1. Regular exercise or gaming may reduce the cardiovascular disease.

2. Helps to improve flexibility and movement.

3. Helps to maintain blood pressure, cholesterol level and blood glucose level.

4. May improves joint mobility.

5. Reduces the risk of diabetes, and CVDs

6. Improve social connection.

7. Calms the mind.

8. Helps in rehabilitation post surgery, illness etc.

9. Better sleep and relax.

10. Boost the mind, enhance the energy level.

11. Improve concentration and focus.

12. Maintain healthy weight.

13. Strengthen your bones, muscles. 

14. Reduces the risk of getting injury. 

15. Strengthen the heart and lungs.

Also read

Benefits of exercise and games to Human Body 

How to maintain fitness without workout?

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