Common gym mistakes to avoid : Gym mistakes


Common gym mistakes to avoid : Gym mistakes

Whenever a beginners enter in the gym, their are lots of question arise in their mind and also with low self-esteem. 

Every beginners made common mistakes in the gym at one point or another but tiny mistake in the gym can lead to wrong posture or waste your entire energy or make you injured.

In this article we are going to talk about common gym mistakes beginners make in the gym and how to avoid:

1. Be Patience

Every beginner want to build muscle mass in a very short span of time, they used to think that in a couple of days they will get some noticeable changes in their body, which is totally rubbish or false bodybuilding or muscle-building is the game of patient, consistency and discipline. so, give time to your self and slowly you'll see noticeable changes in your overall physique.

2. Warm up

Beginner think not beginner even some advance level guys are also think that warm is just waste of time and nothing but it is not, warm up help reduce chance of getting injury, improve your body temperature, increase flexibility, help you mentally prepare.   

Also read: Why is warm up important before exercise or workout 

Warm-up and Stretching


3. Make a plan

It is a big mistake that beginners do, they walk into the gym without any fitness plan. without having a proper plan you'll move aimlessly between machines and not achieve better results. 

There are plenty of beginners workout plan on the internet, or you could invest in a trainer in order to get more personal and detailed workout plan according to your goal. 

4. Do cardio after strength training

If your are beginner and want to lose some fat then avoid cardio before workout because it may suck your energy and you will not able to give your 100% in strength training, so it is better to do cardio after your strength training which will help you burn more calories and burn more fat, you will achieve desire result much faster. 

Also read: what's best for weight loss cardio or strength training 

When you should perform cardio after workout or before workout 

Skip your regular cardio exercise with HIIT exercise for fat loss


5. Don't stuck with same workout plan

If your are doing same workout every day for long time then you'll never reach to your fitness goals by repeating the same workout every days.

Try to change your workout plan after 4-6 weeks and hit the gym 4-5 days of week for better results.

6. Do progressive overloading

It is very important key point of muscle gaining which beginner generally don't follow it and they stuck with their same weight workout, progressive overloading is very help in getting more muscle mass but don't increase weight frequently it may injured you, you can make increment of 2.5kg weight in 2-3 weeks.  

7. Focus on your nutrition more than gym

Body is not made in gym, it is made in the kitchen, it is fact. Your body's development is totally depend on your diet plan that what kind of food your are eating.

Cut down fast food, processed food, sugar, beverages, and focus on green vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals and drink plenty of water. 

Macros are the main nutrient on which you have to focus for your muscle development. 

Also read: What to eat for pre-workout 

what food should i eat after workout

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