How to heal cracked skin in winters : Cracked or Chapped skin in winters

How to heal cracked skin in winters : Cracked or Chapped skin in winters


Cracked or chapped skin in winter are one of the most common skin problems which people have faced in winter session. 

Cracked skin are caused mostly due to dry skin but there are some other causes which may cause chapped skin. 

Lips, chicks, fingers, heal and hands are more prone to cracking than any other body part because these are more exposed body part. 

What can cause cracked or chapped skin?

There are plenty of cause which are responsible for your chapped or cracked skin:

  • Environment ( Dry or Cold)
  • Dry skin
  • Chemical irritants
  • Hot water
  • Medication
  • Certain health condition, like: Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetic neuropathy, Athlete's foot, etc. 

 Signs and symptoms of chapped or cracked skin

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Deep crack may responsible for bleeding and pain
  • Burning feeling
  • Rash
  • Scaly skin

 Cracked or chapped skin can treat easily at home by some home remedies:

1. Use moisturizer

Moisturizer is the key product to prevent your skin from cracking your skin in winters, anytime you wash your body, face or hands you drain your natural oils of skin which helps to lock in moisture. That's why it is important to use moisturizer every wash to prevent your skin from dryness.

2. Petroleum jelly

Though it doesn't provide moisture to skin, but it form a protective layer on the skin to lock the moisture of your skin for a long time. 

You can apply petroleum jelly where your skin is cracked, can repeat 3 times a day for better results.

3. Use humidifier

As we all know low humidity in the environment is also responsible for you dry skin in winter. so it is best use humidifier which help to add humidity in the air and help prevent and heal cracked skin. 

More the humidity in the air less the chance of getting dry skin.

4. Stay hydrated  

Dehydration can also cause dry skin, which may responsible for cracked skin in winter or any season, so it is necessary to keep your body hydrate by drinking adequate water each day.  

You can eat rich antioxidant foods which protect your skin's cell from environmental damage and keep it healthy. 

5. Use liquid bandage

Liquid bandage can treat deeper skin cracks, bandage used to hold cracked skin together which helps enhance healing. 

Before apply the liquid bandage carefully read the instruction written on the label of the product. 

6. Exfoliation

Exfoliation help to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the cracked skin, it mostly works on cracked heels and feet. 

After exfoliating your cracked skin apply a moisturizer on it and you can exfoliate your skin twice a week. 

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