This is very popular and controversial topic in the bodybuilding world.
In this article we are going to tell you difference between natural bodybuilders and steroid user and how to spot steroid user and natural one.Â
So before coming to conclusion lets have some basic knowledge about steroid-users and natural bodybuilders:
Natural Bodybuilders
Natural bodybuilders are those bodybuilders who does not consume or inject any type of synthetic steroids or other drugs in order to increase muscle mass or get more leaner.Â
Natural bodybuilder are totally rely on their diet, heavy lifting, proper rest.
Steroid user are those bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids in order to gain more muscle mass, or get leaner.Â
Steroids are a synthetic form of testosterone, can take through oral or by IV form.Â
- Most common anabolic steroid which used in bodybuilding Â
- What's considered as steroid in bodybuilding
Difference between natural bodybuilder and steroid users
1. Flushed Skin
- It is seen that the steroid users skin's become reddish in color, it indicates the high body temperature than average body temperature. but it is not seen in natural bodybuilder's skin.
2. AcneÂ
- It is not uncommon to see acne or a scaring on a steroid-user's skin. it occurs because the sebaceous glands begins to release oil in the skin.Â
- These are more prevalent on back.
- It is commonly not seen on natural bodybuilders.Â
 3. Increased muscle mass
- Steroid-user can gain large amount of muscle mass fast without accumulation of fat.Â
- However, natural bodybuilder also gain large amount of muscle mass with initial fat gain but it is also possible to gain muscle mass without fat accumulation but it takes longer period of time.
4. Gynecomastia
- Gynecomastia is the condition of health, occurs when high level of the female hormone present in the male. this condition usually seen in steroid-user's body because anabolic steroids increase the level of estrogen that result in gynecomastia.Â
- It is not seen in the natural bodybuilders.Â
Side effect of Steroids
- GynecomastiaÂ
- Imbalance of hormonal levels
- Low testosterone level
- Low libidoÂ
- Suppressed infertility
- Hair loss
- Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
- Liver and Kidney damage
- Fluid retention
- Sudden heart attack
- Acne
- Mental health issues
- May increase the risk of premature deathÂ
Which one is best?
After knowing the side effect of steroids you may easily understand that which one is better way to bodybuilding.Â
If you want to gain muscle mass then it is also possible by natural bodybuilding you just have to stick with your diet plan, regular heavy workout and get plenty of rest.Â
There are lots of benefits of natural bodybuilding.Â