Mind-muscle connection: What is Mind-muscle connection and benefits of mind-muscle connection in bodybuilding?

Mind-muscle connection: What is Mind-muscle connection and benefits of mind-muscle connection in bodybuilding?


You may often heard about 'Mind-muscle connection' through fitness experts or videos and may be you wondered what does it mean and how does it work in bodybuilding. so in this article we will tall about mind-muscle connection and benefits of mind-muscle connection in bodybuilding.

What is mind-muscle connection?

Mind-muscle connection is the ability to focus the tension which you create during exercise on a particular muscle or muscle group. 

Mind-muscle connection plays an vital role in developing new muscle mass.  

Benefits of Mind-muscle connection

1. Improves self-awareness and self control

When your body begins to follow your mind, you begins to improve self awareness and self control. 

When i was beginner, used to find difficulty to connect my mind with my muscles during the workout, and the outcome was not satisfactory for more because when i used to perform any back exercise, often feel the biceps at most, but not the back muscle. 

If your are beginner than it may chance to grow your muscle without having a better mind connection because in beginning even a little stimulus to your muscle make grow. 

2. Better the muscle co-ordination 

A better mind-muscle connection also help in improving your muscle co-ordination. 

If your mind-muscle connection is very bad than your individual muscles may not co-ordinate properly which may lead to waste of energy, strength. 

There are two different types of muscle coordination, intramuscular coordination and intermuscular coordination. 

3. Develop better symmetry 

Better symmetry mean, both of your side are equally stronger, but almost everyone has feel this point in their bodybuilding where one side of your body is stronger and more muscular than the other, it happens because we usually take work from one side of our body for our daily life work.  

You can overcome with this problem, train with free weight instead of using machines or barbell, try to do same number of reps with your weaker side as you do with your stronger side with better mind-muscle connection. 

4. Reduce the chance of injury 

Mind-muscle connection help to improve self awareness and when you are more aware of your body and know that how to move your body, the less likely you are get injured. 


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