Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise - fitROSKY

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise


If you don't want to go gym or don't have much time for it but want to put on some muscle mass then doing bodyweight exercise could help you in building muscle mass. You may be thinking that how bodyweight exercise could help build muscle mass but it actually does by increasing reps, decrease rest, train to failure, perform variations and you will get results. 

Bodyweight exercise refers to movements that use merely bodyweight and it has various benefits, like it is convenient, can be done by anyone, reduce the chance of getting injury, make your life more easier. 

There are some important points which helps you gain muscle mass faster:

  • Do progress overload
  • Eat in calories surplus
  • Eat plenty of protein 
  • Be consistent 

 Here are some tips to make your exercise more challenging:

  • Increase reps
  • Decrease the rest time 
  • Perform variation
  • Train to failure 
  • Increase the time under tension

Here we present types of bodyweight exercise that you can perform to build muscle mass in a good way:

1. Pull ups

Pull up is foremost exercise in order to train your back muscles but it also train your biceps muscles, traps along with back muscles. 

Get ready for pull up guys! stand directly under the pull up bar now place your both of palms on the bar palms should be facing away from your body and distance between your hand is equal to your shoulder's width. now start lift your feet up from the floor and try to engage your abdominal muscle by pulling your belly button toward your back, pull your shoulder back and down. now engage your back and arm's muscles, bend your elbows and raise your body toward the bar until your chin is over the bar. do not swing your body. make sure your shoulder blades remains the same throughout the exercise and then extend your both elbows and let your body come down.

If you want make pull up tough you can hold some weight by your legs.

You can also make pull up tough by putting some weight on your back to increase your upper body strength. 

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 10 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise

2. Push Ups

Push up is one of the best exercise in order to train your upper body part it mainly targets your biceps, triceps, anterior deltoid, and chest muscles as well. 

Get into a plank position, place your both palms on the mat, palm should be placed directly under the shoulder, keep your back straight, core tight, and don't put tension on neck. now gently bend your both elbows to go down and slowly lower your body to the floor. Try to touch the floor by your chest and then push your body in upward direction. try to create more tension on biceps for more better results.

You can also make push up tough by putting some weight on your back to increase your upper body strength. 

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise


3. Bodyweight squat

Most of the people hates to do squat but squat is only the best exercise that can train your whole of the leg muscles and improve your lower body strength, it mainly train your glutes, quadriceps, hamstring. 

Get ready for squat, stand straight on your feet with slightly wider than hip-width apart, keep your chest up, back should be in straight position. Shift your weight on your Heels and push your back into a sitting position and go-down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, pause with knee. Excel and push back to the starting position. Repeat it again as much as you can do. 

You can also put some weight on your shoulder or you can put some weight on your back packs and do squats.  

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 50 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs


Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise


4. Walking lunges

Walking lunges is also best exercise to train your lower body and gain strength, it targets your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core, and glutes.

It just a modified version of walking, in which you have to touch your knee to the ground in a very balanced way with straight back while walking and then come normal position and again do same with  other leg.

If you want to make walking lunges quite hard than you can hold some weight with your hand at your each side.  

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 steps by each legs or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise


5. Diamond push up

Diamond push up is best exercise in order to tone your chest and triceps muscles but it also train your biceps muscles. 

Get all on your fours, place your hands together directly under the chest and make diamond shape by touching index finger and thumbs of both hands to each other. Extend your arms straight and form a straight line from your head to to feet, now gently bend your both elbows to go down and slowly lower your body to the floor. Try to touch your hands by your chest and then push your body in upward direction. try to create more tension on chest for more better results.

Put some weight on your back to make it more difficult. 

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise


6. Dips

It is the great exercise to train your triceps muscles in the better form.

Place your palms on the bench with shoulder-width apart and slide forward so your back clears the edge of the bench. Now lower your self by bending your elbows (about 45 to 90 degrees), movement should in your control and then push yourself back up gradually and make your straight. repeat it.

Can put some weight on your thighs to make it difficult.  

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise



7. Calf raise

Calf raise in only target your calves, while you do calf raise you can take help to wall.  

Stand barefoot on the toes of your feet with heels hanging of a step. now raise your both of heels as high as you can go to as low as you can go.

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise 

8. Crunches 

Crunches is one of the best exercise to strengthen your core but remember one thing that it doesn't help to appear abs, it only occurs when your body fat is less. 

Get ready for crunches, lie down on floor on your back, place your feet on the floor, hip width apart. Start contracting your abdominal muscles and inhale. And lift your upper body along with Exhale. Remember one thing do not stress your head and neck keep it relax. And at last inhale and return to the starting position. 

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 15 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Build muscle mass with bodyweight exercise

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